Travel – Alcatraz San Francisco


I’m sure many of you have been there before if you’re an American and if not, I will share with you about my experience visiting Alcatraz. It definitely looks kinda eerie but interesting at the same time. Alcatraz was a habitat for many and has gone through many faces; a lighthouse, a fort, inhabit by a group of Aboriginal People and a prison. Now it is a national recreation area.

Here are some of the pictures I took during my visit there. If you’re planning to visit, do try to order the tickets online. ( I was there last year Spring with my sister and had no luck in getting the tickets at the counter. This time we got smarter and ordered it online. Enjoy the pictures =)

Alcatraz from a far
Abandoned light house and home of the jailbirds

Now they are the habitant of this island
This is where the tour starts. Feeling eerie already..The cold air didn’t help either
Definitely a confined place. I’m sure it’s definitely uncomfortable to live in this room
Kitchen – where food was prepared for the jailbirds
Dining area
This is where the prisoners get to go out for some exercise and get some sun
There’s a few rooms where the sun shines in and prisoners claimed that, those who were able to stay
in those rooms were the most privileged. I guess beggars can’t be choosers.
I guess some of them definitely have talent in drawings
The library
Control room where calls and faxes comes in
The top people who takes care of the Alcatraz
Beautiful view of San Francisco from Alcatraz. With such beautiful view, who wouldn’t want to try
to escape? Such sweet temptation…
The famous prisoners in Alcatraz
An attempt to escape
The officers that were involved in this bloody tragedy
Bernie Coy attempt to grab this key and escape. I guess the plan failed.
Another attempt to escape and this time, 3 manage to get away and were never heard off again
Can’t believe spoons are able to dig up this big of a hole to escape!
Smart enough to put a dummy head and act as if he was sleeping
They climbed through the sewage area at the back of the cells and went up to the roof top
Finally in 1964, this prison was closed down
Sunset view of Alcatrez. It’s definitely eerie yet interesting don’t you think?