100 Readers And More – Thank You


Lately, I learned to make small goals and once I achieved it, I should be thankful and celebrate it. Even if it is just a small damn thing. Why? Because life’s short. Every achievement is worth celebrating.

Few days ago, Diva In Me achieved a 100 followers in GFC. I would like to thank all the readers who had been following my blog and because of you, I had achieved this small goal. I know it is just a 100 and it is such a small number compare to some famous bloggers who have thousands upon thousands. But I’m happy and grateful for having 107 readers in my blog now. Next goal: 200 readers =)

Again, I would like to thank you for reading my blog. That is because I’m worth it and so are you (and yes, this is my favourite tagline and I took it from L’Oreal) 😉

Dress – Zara

Heels – Guess? (here and here too)

Bag – Prada (here and here too)

Charms Bracelet – Tiffany & Co.