Got to beat the Monday blues |
My Hello Sunshine Bag |
Korean Leather Treasure – New pair of heels |
Needed some sparkles for the day |
New found rafia belt |
Going to work with a happy mood =) |
Today’s weather is kind of gloomy and worse still, it is Monday. Seriously, I think I’m not the only one who dreaded to go to work on Monday. Monday blues usually starts Sunday evening itself! So what should I do to make myself happier on Monday? Never wear blue items!
Lately I’m into summer dresses alot. This would probably look like the one I posted before but hey..there’s nothing wrong with abundance! =D The rafia belt is great! It goes with anything which is light or dark in color and rafia items hot lately. The yellow bag is definitely a must for Monday. It makes me happy just by looking at it.
Oh, the heels? I bought that from a Korean shop hence the Korean Leather Treasure. It is so comfortable to walk in despite the height. Now, I’m ready to beat the blues!